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Frequently Asked Questions

Feel free to browse through our frequently asked questions. and if you have anything to add, please use our contact form.

Who is the AlphaMale Academy?

Hi, I'm Alex and if you read this and you're interested in a natural, masculine mindset, in successful dating and relationships then you might be at a point where I once was. I was a pathetic beta male, needy, clingy and desperately left by his girlfriend for reasons I did not understand at that time. You may have no idea how to successfully talk to women, get their attention, how to flirt on dates and initiate sex. You may have tried online dating without success and you're constantly being ghosted or friendzoned.

After realizing all that I began my journey to study female psychology and pair bonding dynamics. I learned from various mentors and coaches who cracked the secret code to female brains and their behavior. I started to test this knowledge intensively and to develop my own techniques to further improve their teachings and the skills I gained. After years of learning and collecting successful experiences in the field I put together everything I've learned into the AlphaMale Academy course to transform anyone into a successful AlphaMale!

What is the AlphaMale Academy?

It provides the knowledge of ancient AlphaMale traits and behaviors that have been adapted to modern dating. Following these teachings you will gain knowledge about female behaviors, the AlphaMale mindset and all the techniques to finally be successful on your dates and in your relationships.

If you work through the course, implement the teachings into your everyday behavior, do the exercises and give it time, you will eventually transform into an AlphaMale. No matter where you stand today, no matter your success rate, you will become what women truly seek for the long-term thing.

How Do I become an AlphaMale Academy Member?

You can either buy the course for self-studying and work on your transformation on your own. If you are disciplined and stick to it you will succeed. If you need custom guidance because you'd rather talk about your specific problems you can  apply for a live coaching and I will get back to you letting you know if your application was successful.